Sunday 30 October 2011

Inspiration and Childhood Memories

I came across this picture of two pretty little flower fairy girls when I was browsing the website of my favourite art shop. As soon as I saw it it hit me; My sweet grandma had a big poster of this picture up in her guest room where I always stayed when I visited her. I used to love that poster. Me and my sister used to sit and stare at it and pretend that we were little fairies in a tree

The artist is Cicely Mary Barker, who was an English woman born in the late 19th century. Her illustrations focused on fairies and flowers, and she published several Flower Fairies books and cards from the late 1910's to the 1970's, but she was the most popular during the 20's and 30's.

I think my grandma had a few Flower Fairies posters and smaller images, cause when browsing through Cicely Mary Barker's work I seem to recognise quite a few of them.
I'm tempted to buy one of these books as these fairies really remind me of my childhood and my lovely grandma. Who knows... perhaps I'll get inspired by these pretty illustrations and paint something similar myself :)


  1. Funny, my friend just got one of these books last week and we read through it together !! Every page was "Aaaaww" and "Ooohhh!!" !! Such pretty illustrations =)

    xxx Vee

  2. Åh vad glad jag blev när jag såg den bilden :) undrar vart den tog vägen..



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