Showing posts with label Portraits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portraits. Show all posts

Thursday 26 January 2012

Beautiful Sister

A portrait of my beautiful sister, made in 2009.
A little extra present I gave her for her 20th birthday.
I've used acrylic colours, and I believe the painting is 50*50 cm. 

Don't ask me why I chose to make a swirly greenish background!
In the original picture she was standing on a boat with lots of trees and water in the background - I just couldn't be bothered painting so many details!

I'm sorry about the poor quality of the photos - they have been snapped with my mobile phone camera.

As you may recall, I posted a silly drawing of my two sisters making funny faces a while ago.
Click this little image and it'll take you to the original post. 

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Pencil portraits - My friends looking silly

Drawing faces is what I'm best at. I've always been fascinated with eyes especially, so drawing faces is kind of my thing. When I decided to draw portraits of my friends though, I thought; "Why draw them all pretty, when I can draw them making silly faces".
This is how it turned out...
"Activate before use"
It all started with a screen-cap of a video. This girl is really one of a kind. She was goofing around with an O2 SIM card sticker on her forehead (which was being filmed by her sister) and this wonderful shot inspired me to do a whole collection of drawings of my friends making silly faces.

"The imaginary fly on the nose"
She does have the biggest eyes I've ever seen. And she kind of looks like a living cartoon, I promise! ;)

He does actually have a real mustache-tattoo on his finger! ;)

She's still pretty, even when doing an "ugly" face.

"The classic pig-nose"
Who hasn't tried making this funny face.

"Silly sisters"
My favourite! Blow 'em out, suck 'em in!
If you would like me to do a portrait of you, or as a gift for someone else, please contact me and we can discuss things further :)

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Another portrait

Another portrait. This one is of one of my best friends - Josefin.
This panting was (just as the other ones) made with acrylic paint, and I painted it in 2009.
I really enjoyed painting this portrait, since Josefin had a very special style back in the days. Quite extreme, with different coloured dreadlocks, and often very colourful Manga inspired clothes. As you can probably guess, this is not the first time I make a portrait of this pretty girl.
(I'm sorry about the bad quality of the photo. It was taken with my old camera phone)

Friday 1 July 2011

Portraits - great presents

Once I started to get the hang of painting with acrylic colours I realised that paintings were great to give away to people as presents. I didn't have a great job at the time, and could therefore not afford really fancy presents. These are some of the paintings I've given to people for their birthdays. All the paintings are portraits. The first one is of my sister, the second one is of my ex boyfriend, and the third one is of my ex boyfriend's sister when she was about 5 years old. I must admit that the second one is my favourite, as I was working with contrasts only on this painting. (the quality of this picture isn't great though, since I photographed the painting with my old mobile camera)
What do you think?

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