I really haven't been creative enough lately - lazy me! I intended to paint the other day on a massive canvas I bought a few weeks ago, but I didn't have any motivation whatsoever. All I did was; I took a good sized plate from the kitchen, laid it on the canvas and drew around it so that it formed a ring. So now I've got a completely white canvas, with a penciled ring on it. Brilliant.... hum. I have actually planned to paint something special on that canvas. I can see it all in my head! I just need to pull myself together and actually paint it.
Oh well, you can't always keep up with your creativity. I was more creative a few years ago when people actually came to me and asked me to paint for them. I was once asked to paint some children's paintings of pirates for a little boy who was about 3 years old. You can see the result below. These paintings are from 2007. They're really simple, and of typical "boys colours". What little boy wouldn't want a few paintings of pirates on his wall ;)